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Lord Of The Lost julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon “On This Rock I Will Build My Church”

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Saksalainen teollisuusmetalliyhtye Lord Of The Lost on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleesta “On This Rock I Will Build My Church”. Biisi on nostettu yhtyeen tulevalta “Thornstar”-albumilta, joka ilmestyy 3.8.2018 Napalm-levymerkin kautta.

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’On This Rock I Will Build My Church’ is the perfect opener for the very large and heavy packaging in which this monster was trapped. The song paves the way for a lot more…For the video we came up with something very special. We’ve invented both, a time machine and a rejuvenation apparatus to live up to our roots and as children, somewhere between the 80s and 90s to shoot this very special music video on VHS. That was damn expensive, but it was worth it.

Kansi ja kappalelista:

1. On This Rock I Will Build My Church
2. Loreley
3. Black Halo
4. In Our Hands
5. Morgana
6. Haythor
7. Naxxar
8. Cut Me Out
9. The Mortarian
10. Under The Sun
11 .In Darkness, In Light
12. Forevermore
13. Ruins

1. Abracadabra (feat. Dero Goi)
2. Voodoo Doll
3. The Art Of Love
4. Lily Of The Vale
5. Penta
6. Free Radicals
7. Live Pray Die Repeat

Lähde: Napalm Records

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