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Lion’s Share julkaisi uuden kappaleen ja lyriikkavideon

Ruotsalainen heavy metal -yhtye Lion’s Share julkaisi uuden kappaleen ”Aim Higher”, jonka on tarkoitus tuottaa positiivista vibaa koronakaaoksen keskelle. Single ennakoi yhtyeen tulevaa levyä, joka on koronapandemian vuoksi lykkääntynyt vuoteen 2021.

”In these strange days of Covid-19, we feel the time is right to give you a song with a positive touch. This is a song about you deciding your own destiny and that you can achieve whatever you want if you never give up, never take shit and believe in yourself,” kertoo laulaja Nils Patrik Johansson.

Kitaristi Lars Chriss jatkaa: We had big plans for 2020, with a new album and everything. We had just done our first couple of live shows in many years this past March in Germany when the Covid-19 put stop to it all.”

Follow LION’S SHARE on:
Bandbond on App Store: – search for Lion’s Share at the onboarding page.
Bandbond on Google Play: – search for Lion’s Share at the onboarding page.Complete remastered back catalog:
Aim Higher
Shotgun Messiah 2020 re-recording
We Are What We Are
Chain Child
Dark Hours
Emotional Coma
Fall From Grace
Lion’s Share video for Aim Higher –
Lyric video for Shotgun Messiah 2020 re-recording –
Lyric video for Pentagram –
Lyric video for We Are What We Are –
Lyric video for Chain Child –
Lyric video for Another Desire –
Lyric video for The Lion’s Trial –
Lyric video for Sins Of A Father 2018 re-recording –

Nils Patrik Johansson – vocals
Lars Chriss – guitar
Andy Loos – bass
Nils Fredrik Johansson – drums
Kay Backlund – keyboards
Produced and mixed by: Lars Chriss – for
Mastered by: Mike Lind – for
Artwork by: Carl-André Beckston – for
Video by: Niklas Nieminen – for ”The man with the hat”


Lähde: Noterious Music
Kuva: Lion’s Share

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