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Kuuntele Trup-yhtyeen raivoava albumi ”KE” kokonaisuudessaan

Kuva: Trup

Puolan Varsovasta tuleva Trup sekoittelee musiikissaan noisea, grindiä, sekä death- että black metallia.

Yhtyeen levyn ”KE” voi kuunnella alla kokonaisuudessaan:

Yhtyeen kommentit: ”’KE’ is a result of two recording sessions, both at Mustache Ministry studio in Warsaw, Poland – the first one took place in late 2019 and the second one in June 2020. Our previous album, ’Szmula,’ was an attempt to create a new path for the band, and at the same time we wanted to sneak in some amok into our sound. ’KE,’ however, was our way to release our rage and fury. We still aim to make improvised music without any boundaries. The tunes you can hear on our new album are the initial versions of the songs – no overdubs, no composing, no lyric writing. If you like the music, just write your own words about your own problems… or don’t. At the end of the day, it’s all about the noise.”

01. 15
02. 16
03. 17
04. 18
05. 19
06. 20
07. 21
08. 22
09. 23
10. 24
11. 25
12. 26
13. 27
14. 28

p – Guitars, Vocals
b – Vocals
v – Drums, Vocals



Kuva: Trup

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