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Kotimaisen sludge doom –yhtye Lurkin uusi kappale “Reclaim” kuunneltavissa

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Tiedote 20.5.2018

Tamperelaisen sludge doom –yhtye Lurkin tulevalta elokuussa ilmestyvältä ”Fringe” albumilta on kuunneltavissa kappale nimeltä ”Reclaim”:

Levy-yhtiö kuvaa bändiä seuraavasti:

Wistful and mysterious, Lurk’s music is just as interesting and multi-faceted as their cover artwork. Blending elements of doom, black and death metal into their astounding sludge template, the Finnish band is taking the sound ahead in ways hitherto unheard. Haunting, soaring melodies juxtapose with abrasive low-end riffs without hampering the overall aesthetics. Watch the band take you into a slow, hallucinatory descent towards madness where multiple worlds coalesce and still make sense – that in a nutshell is the music of Lurk.

Kimmo Koskinen – Vocals
Kalle Nurmi – Drums
Arttu Pulkkinen – Guitar
Eetu Nurmi – Bass

“Fringe” kansi ja kappalelista:

1. Ostrakismos
2. Tale Blade
3. Reclaim
4. Elan
5. Offshoot
6. Furrow
7. Nether
8. Proteus Syndrome

Guest vocals by Aleksi Laakso on Elan
Alto saxophone by Aino Heikkonen on Ostrakismos
Album artwork by Adam Burke (HOODED MENACE, LOSS)
Layout and art direction by Francesco Gemelli (KATATONIA, TOWARDS ATLANTIS LIGHTS)

Kansikuva: w/ Nightjar art of Adam Burke
Lähde: Transcending Obscurity

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