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Korpiklaani julkisti Korven Kyynel -partaöljyn

Kuva: Nuclear Blast

Korpiklaani on julkistanut 2000 pullon rajoitetun painoksen Korven Kyynel -partaöljystä yhteistyössä Partawan ja Mad Viking Finlandin kanssa. Jokaisesta myydystä pullosta tilitetään 5 euroa hyväntekeväisyysjärjestö Sylvalle lasten ja nuorten syövän vastaiseen työhön. Aiemmin Partawa ja Mad Viking Finland ovat tehneet yhteistyötä Turmion Kätilöt -yhtyeen Viimeinen voitelu -partaöljyn kanssa.

Partawan toimitusjohtaja Mika Poikonen kommentoi:

The oil is called Korven Kyynel (Tear of the Wilderness). It has the scent of an evergreen tree and it’s straight from the ”Eyes of the Forest” like a song with almost the same name by Korpiklaani. The beard oil was made in Finland and all of its ingredients are completely natural. Korven Kyynel treats the beard and the skin, and helps children and youth who are sick with cancer.

Mad Viking Finlandin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Sami Orava jatkaa:

When we asked Korpiklaani to join us this year, they said yes right away. And while Turmion Kätilöt was a great band, with Korpiklaani we have to take internationality into account.

Korpiklaanin keulamies Jonne Järvelä:

It was easy agreeing to join the beard oil project of Partawa and Mad Viking Finland. The number of beards in our band is quite big, so we are going to need the product too, along with the scent of the wilderness, of course! Picking the charity was easy as well because cancer took away my grandparents, and last year also my uncle and the sister of my mother-in-law. Cancer has a tendency to cut the victim’s life short and I can only imagine how horrible it is for a family when a child gets sick with it. That’s why we wanted to donate the proceeds to fight cancer of children and youth.

Sylva-järjestöstä Anna-Leena Mitro päättää:

Everybody needs somebody to walk beside them at some point, somebody who sticks by them when things get hard. Also Sylva needs supporters – people to walk with us – because we finance our activities mainly with donated funds. We are very grateful for the cooperation with Mad Viking Finland and Korpiklaani.

Partaöljy on myynnissä Partawan and Korpiklaanin verkkokaupoissa.

Lähde ja kuvat: Nuclear Blast

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