Katatonia on julkaissut uuden livelevyn ”Dead Air” Peacevillen kautta vinyyli- sekä 2CD- ja DVD -formaateissa. Keikka striimattiin Tukholmasta Studio Gröndahlilta 9.5.2020. Miksauksesta vastasi David Castillo ja kansitaiteesta Travis Smith. ”Lacquer”” -esityksen keikalta saa katseluun alta.
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”Dead Air” is a document and a remembrance of a strange and surreal situation, as well as true evidence of the love for music – both ours and that shown by our fans.
The tracklisting itself contains a very literal selection of fan favourites overall, having being voted for exclusively by the band’s worldwide fanbase.
1. Lethean
2. Teargas
3. Serein
4. Deliberation
5. The Winter Of Our Passing
6. Ghost Of The Sun
7. The Racing Heart
8. Soil’s Song
9. Old Heart Falls
10. Forsaker
11. Tonight’s Music
12. In The White
13. Leaders
14. Lacquer
15. Omerta
16. My Twin
17. Unfurl
18. July
19. Evidence
20. Behind The Blood
Lähde: Peaceville
Kuva: Raisa Krogerus ©Metalliluola