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Jinjerin uusi video ”Judgement (& Punishment)” tulevalta levyltä katsottavissa

Ukrainalainen Jinjer on julkaissut uuden Shah Taliftan ohjaaman musiikkivideon ”Judgement (& Punishment)” tulevalta lokakuussa ilmestyvältä albumiltaan ”Macro”. Levyn lisätiedot katsottavissa alta. 25.10.2019 Napalm-levymerkin kautta ilmestyvän albumin ennakkotilausta saa jättää linkistä.

Yhtye kommentoi:

Going from small things to bigger ones is the natural order of things, and we’ve paved a path from “Micro” to “Macro”, carrying the weight of feelings, emotions and experience. This is a monumental point in the story of Jinjer, the quintessence of what makes us what we are now as the people and as a band. We are proud of every single note sung and played on “Macro” and can’t wait for you to give it a listen!

How many times have we reacted harshly to something just because we simply do not understand it? It seems like there is an innate human trait in all of us, when there is something unknown or unfamiliar that we tend to question the substance, to attack and finally to destroy it … just like primitive apes. But when it strikes back it might be too much to bare. Every action causes a reaction. “Judgement (& Punishment)” is a reaction. Just keep that in mind.

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

1 On the Top
2 Pit of Consciousness
3 Judgement (& Punishment)
4 Retrospection
5 Pausing Death
6 Noah
7 Home Back
8 The Prophecy
9 lainnereP

Lähde: Napalm Records

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