Ukrainalainen Jinjer on julkaissut uuden Kadim Tarasovin ohjaaman musiikkivideon ”On The Top” tulevalta albumiltaan ”Macro”. 25.10.2019 Napalm-levymerkin kautta ilmestyvän albumin ennakkotilausta saa jättää linkistä.
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Have you ever felt like a rat in a rat race? It seems like the world is spinning faster and faster every single day and everyone is going crazy searching for this thing called success. However, we tend to forget that real happiness has nothing to do with it- not a career, achievements, money etc. Is it really worth climbing up the ladder just to be ON to the TOP if there is nothing or no one there for you in the end? It’s OK to want to be the best you can possibly be but just remember that success has its price but it’s up to you to decide how much you are willing to pay for it. It’s your choice to make but your burden to bare.
1 On the Top
2 Pit of Consciousness
3 Judgement (& Punishment)
4 Retrospection
5 Pausing Death
6 Noah
7 Home Back
8 The Prophecy
9 lainnereP
Lähde: Napalm Records