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Italialainen noise rock -yhtye ELM julkaisi coverin Brujerian kappaleesta

Kuva: ELM

Italialainen noise rock -yhtye ELM on julkaissut coverin Brujerian kappaleesta ”La Migra (Cruza La Frontera II)”.

Yhtye kommentoi versiotaan: ”Brujeria is a band that we all love in ELM. The real-life brutalities and injustices depicted, the language, the music itself (particularly from the first two albums)… it all holds a special place in our hearts, especially this song. We had great fun performing it live at our last gig and with some very special guests who also contributed to the recording of the song for Quarantine Tales From The Red Desert compilation on which we had the honor to be included alongside other great artists such as Live Skull, White Hills, Martin Bisi, Sunday Morning, Adriano Zanni, and Solaris. We’ll be back live as soon as we can. In the meantime, enjoy this raw live footage, join the cult, and Chinga La Migra, siempre!”

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Lähde: Earsplit PR
Kuva: ELM

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