Tiedote 20.6.2022
Maurizio Iaconon (Kataklysm/Ex Deo) johtama sooloprojekti Invictus julkaisee debyttialbuminsa ”Unstoppable” syyskuun 23. päivä MNRK Heavyn kautta. Levyn ennakkotilaukset ovat käynnissä ja levyn kansitaiteen lisäksi ensimmäinen single ”Exiled” on julkaistu musiikkivideon kera.
Kuuntele kappale suoratoistopalveluissa: https://invictus.lnk.to/exiled
“Today we unleash the preview to a record we worked so very hard on. The first video/single ‘Exiled’ has a great start-to-finish that really touches a lot of elements this album represents. My whole career has been about overcoming obstacles and reaching the light while keeping true to myself. This is a project that, regardless of the outcome, needed to be done for my soul. I’m very honored to have had Chris Clancy, J-F Dagenais, and Jeramie Kling by my side in this new endeavor. Unstoppable is the gateway to self-preservation and perseverance and I hope you all enjoy it!”, Iacono kommentoi.
“I was really honored to have Maurizio reach out to me and ask me to be a part of everything when he decided it was time he did a solo project. It’s not often I have the chance to be so heavily involved in writing and working alongside people I look up to, so I jumped at the chance. We put some ideas together between us and everything just worked. I couldn’t believe how easily it all fell into place; how every idea we had just worked and fueled another idea. The music has gone from strength to strength, and I’ve never had so much fun. I think the music is absolutely brutal with a solid dose of anthemic moments scattered throughout. ‘Exiled’ is a perfect example of what this album is about. It’s everything I’ve wanted to hear from a band for years and I’m stoked to be in it.”, Chris Clancy jatkaa.
Tulevan levyn ennakkotilaukset voi tehdä linkistä: https://invictus-unstoppable.com/
Kuva: Suzzy Iacono
Lähde: Earsplit PR