Norjalainen black metal -yhtye Immortal on julkaissut uuden singlen ”Wargod” 26.5.2023 julkaistavalta albumiltaan ”War Against All”. Yhtyeen kymmenes levy sisältää kahdeksan kappaletta.
Yhtyeen perustaja Demonaz:
”Wargod is the heaviest song on the album. I thought it was about time to give the fans a track in the «Tyrants» again. Celtic Frost’s album ”To Mega Therion” from 1986 was an inspiration to me this time. Some of it’s classic tracks had heavy opening riffs that developed into fast devastating fury and tempo. I wanted to capture that feeling again, the Immortal way. When i moved to the mountains In 2019 I went through some of my old material and unused lyrics. Wargod was one of them. The title, lyric and song ideas were originally from the early nineties, and now finally Immortalized on the album.”
2. Thunders Of Darkness
3. Wargod
4. No sun
5. Return To Cold
6. Norlandihr
7. Immortal
8. Blashyrkh My Throne
Ennakkotilaa War Against All: https://immortal.
Lähde: Nuclear Blast