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Hyvinkääläinen Deathgoat julkaisi “Obsessed With Decapitation” -singlen

Kuva: Laura Hyvärinen

Tiedote 27.9.2020

Hyvinkääläinen death metal -yhtye Deathgoat on julkaissut toisen singlen ”Obsessed With Decapitation” tulevalta albumiltaan ”Regurgitated Into Existence”.

Yhtyeestä kerrotaan seuraavaa:

From the depths of the primordial ooze also known as Hyvinkää, a beast has risen. Through extensive abuse of alcohol and several bodily fluids, Deathgoat was regurgitated into existence in the 666th year of the goat (2015 in human years) to spread the lost ancient art of death metal.

Putrid Worm – Lead Vocals
Nihilist – Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Vicar Miggoat – Guitars
Chope666 – Drums

”Obsessed With Decapitation” is written and recorded by Deathgoat.
Mixed by: Jasse Hast
Mastered by: Miro Kiiski
Video by: Niilo Hytönen

Kuva: Laura Hyvärinen

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