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Humanity’s Last Breath julkaisi singlen ”Vittring”

Vuonna 2009 perustettu Ruotsin Helsingborgista kotoisin oleva deathcore -yhtye Humanity’s Last Breath on julkaissut uuden singlen ”Vittring” Unique Leader Records -levy-yhtiön kautta.

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Bändi kertoo julkaisusta: ’Vittring’ is the Swedish word for scent but also weathering depending on how it is used, and the video (directed by RIIVATA Visuals) is a spin on that. Like a predator that smells its prey. The narrative explores using drugs to push limits and expand horizons, but then falling prey to a bigger force. That force could be a dark side within oneself, or brought out by someone else.


Lähde: Hold Tight PR
Kuva: Humanity’s Last Breath

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