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Horre-yhtyeen uusi levy ”The Cycle” kuunneltavissa

Tiedote 7.7.2019

Janakkalasta lähtöisin oleva ja pakanametallia esittävä Horre on julkaissut uuden albumin ”The Cycle”. Levy on kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan.

Albumia kuvataan seuraavasti:

”The Cycle” describes the natural cycle of life, dying, death and rebirth of our world. It is a 40 minute album that consists of 4 (+ bonus) tracks. The intro is a folky ambient track featuring kantele and mouth harp. The second track, ”Servant of the Corrupted Mind”, is a dark funeral doom / death/doom track. The third one, ”Soulless, Formless / Abyss” starts out as funeral doom and ends with dark ambient. The fourth track that has already been released on my YouTube channel, ”Goddess of Fertility”, is melodic funeral doom. Added as a bonus track, ”Kings of Yore” begins slowly as funeral doom and becomes faster in the end.

All music and lyrics by Jesse Laatikainen

1. Intro
2. Servant of the Corrupted Mind
3. Soulless, Formless / Abyss
4. Goddess of Fertility

Bonus track ”Kings of Yore” is not included.

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