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Havok julkaisee toukokuussa uuden ”V”-albuminsa – myös uusi musavideo julki

Vuodesta 2009 asti levyttänyt Coloradon thrash-jyrä Havok julkaisee viidennen albuminsa 1.5.2020. Yksinkertaisesti nimetty ”V” sisältää 11 kappaletta, jota on ollut tuottamassa Mark Lewis (Cannibal Corpse, The Black Dahlia Murder) ja jonka levynkannen on taitellut Eliran Kantor (muun muassa Testament, Hatebreed).

Levyltä on julkaistu musiikkivideo ”Phantom Force” -kappaleesta. Videon on ohjannut K. Hunter Lamar (Digital Myre).


Levyn biisilista:

  1. Post-Truth Era
  2. Fear Campaign
  3. Betrayed By Technology
  4. Ritual Of The Mind
  5. Interface With The Infinite
  6. Dab Tsog
  7. Phantom Force
  8. Cosmetic Surgery
  9. Panpsychism
  10. Merchants Of Death
  11. Don’t Do It

Havokin kitaristi Reece Scruggs kommentoi levystä seuraavaa: “Somewhere in the middle of writing “V” we all came together and made the decision that we needed a full blown face peeler track. I remember David saying “Reign In Blood tempo”, so I came up with something almost immediately and sent it over to the guys. And aside from some subtle stylistic details it stayed pretty true to that original concept. “Phantom Force” as a first single will assure our fans and skeptics that we haven’t lost a step in making vicious, straight forward, non-gimmicked heavy metal.”

Yhtyeen kitaristi/laulaja David Sanchez on ollut vastuusa levyn lyriikoista: ”Phantom Force” is about the mysterious deaths that happen during sleep paralysis in the Hmong people. These people fled their war-torn homeland and could not seem to escape a terrifying fate. The goal with this video was to visually represent the fear and panic that people must’ve felt just before their sudden nocturnal demise. Watch at your own risk…”

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Lähde: Century Media
Kuva: Havok

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