Harakiri For The Sky on julkaissut uuden singlen “And Oceans Between Us” tulevalta tammikuussa ilmestyvältä levyltään ”MÆRE”, joka julkaistaan 29.1.2021.
Laulaja ja sanoittaja J.J. kuvailee raitaa seuraavasti:
This song deals with estrangement. The feeling of co-existing alongside of each other and starting to hate the other person, which always leads to smaller or bigger damage and injuries. The incomprehension why the other person doesn’t understand you anymore, and the constant question why everything always has to end in an ugly way. When you can’t live with one another, but also not without each other anymore…
1. I, Pallbearer
2. Sing For The Damage We’ve Done (feat. Neige)
3. Us Against December Skies
4. I’m All About The Dusk
5. Three Empty Words
6. Once Upon A Winter (feat. Audrey Sylvain)
7. And Oceans Between Us
8. Silver Needle // Golden Dawn (feat. Voice of Gaerea)
9. Time Is A Ghost
10. Song To Say Goodbye (Placebo Cover)
Lähde: AOP Records
Kuva: Raisa Krogerus ©Metalliluola