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Haastattelussa ruotsalainen Vredesblod – ”We want to create original music with lyrics in Swedish”

Kuva: Vredesblod

Ruotsalainen perinteistä heavy metallia soittava Vredesblod vastaili Metalliluolan kysymyspatteristoon. Tutustu yhtyeeseen alta.


Bändin nimi? Vredesblod
Yhtyeen genre? Heavy Metal
Ketä yhtyeeseen kuuluu? Magnus Hultman (Cult of the Fox) on vocals, Kjetil Lynghaug (Paganizer, Heir Corpse One) on guitar, Peter Svensson (Furnace, Gauntlet Rule) on bass, Marcus Rosenkvist (Assassin’s Blade, Void Moon)
Mistä yhtyeenne on kotoisin? Southern part of Sweden
Yhtyeenne esikuvat? Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallica, Kvelertak
Kertokaa yhtyeenne taustatarina? I (Peter) got in contact with Kjetil when we were working together with Rogga Johansson in the bands Gauntlet Rule and Heir Corpse One. Last year, Kjetil asked me if I had any lyrics in Swedish that he could use for a new band. I submitted the lyrics and when I heard the music and final compositions, I insisted on joining the band. I brought in Magnus from my other band Cult of the Fox. The final member to join was Marcus, who also play in Heir Corpse One and Cult of the Fox (among others). We recorded the album ourselves and it was mixed at Endarker Studio by Devo from Marduk. The music video was shot and edited by a friend of ours who works in the camera industry.
Minkälaiset tavoitteet yhtyeellänne on? We want to create original music with lyrics in Swedish. The goal is to release music continuously and get out and play live as much as possible
Minkälainen työnjako musiikin tekemisessä on? Kjetil writes the music and I write the lyrics. Vocal arrangements are mostly done by Magnus and Marcus handles the drums. We share the work of promoting the band.
Millainen kokemus bändinne on livenä ja miksi yhtyeenne keikoille kannattaa tulla? So far we haven’t been able to play live yet, but it will be a great and intense show. Magnus is a great front man and Marcus has great rhythm and groove.
Uusimman levynne nimi: Ruiner (”Ruins” in English)

Avatkaa uuden levynne taustoja. Mikä on toiminut levyn inspiraationa? The album is inspired by all kinds of metal music, which turns into a quite unique sound. The Swedish vocals add another unique element. The lyrics are inspired by very different themes, from the destruction of nature to personal experiences and revenge, and from the stress of modern life to the description of a primordial hunt.
Minkä bändin kanssa lähtisitte kaikkein mieluiten kiertämään maailmaa? Saxon
Jos uudelta levyltä/vanhasta tuotannosta pitäisi suositella kahta biisiä, niin mitkä ne olisivat ja miksi? ”Ruiner” and ”Det Kalla Stålets Löfte” (”The Promise of the Cold Steel”, these are two great songs with very personal themes.
Mikä musiikki kolahtaa yhtyeellenne juuri nyt? Right now, I am listening to the new Grave Digger album, which is great. Not sure if any of it will reach Vredesblod music though.
Muita asioita, joita haluatte kertoa yhtyeestänne: We combine classic heavy metal with a contemporary feel. The vocals are in Swedish, which separates us from most other bands, it also gives the lyrics a much more personal meaning to us.
Minkälaiset terveiset haluatte lähettää lukijoille? In a world of music that is constantly overflowing with new bands and records, Vredesblod is something quite different. I urge any metal fans looking for something unique to check us out!
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Kuva: Vredesblod

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