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Haastattelussa black metal -yhtye Servant – ”For us there is no limit. We always try to push boundaries and become stronger in what we do”

Kuva: Servant

Saksalainen melodista black metallia soittava Servant vastaili kysymyspatteristoomme. Tutustu yhtyeeseen alla.

Bändin nimi: Servant
Yhtyeen genre: I would say Servant plays a so called melodic black metal style containing orchestral elements like choir and keys however the music is not packed to the top with these elements. We try to speak a clear language within the given frame. Clear lines, hooks. We always try to transport what is important for us within the moment of the music.
Ketä yhtyeeseen kuuluu: The band consists of 4 constant members.Farago – vocals, guitars
Samael – guitars
Thanatos – bass
Apophis – drums
Mistä yhtyeenne on kotoisin: Lower-Saxony,Germany
Yhtyeenne esikuvat: I think you can hear elements which could be associated with bands like emperor, dimmu borgir, dissection and watain. For the latest release ’Aetas Ascensus ’we were not in search of a specific sound in the beginning. First comes the song and what it has to tell, then the sound. We tried to figure out the best shape for the songs. For us it was very important to use less elements than to much regarding the guitars and catch all dynamics on the drums, so there is enough space for the songs to breath.
Kertokaa yhtyeenne taustatarina: So, I want to set the bands history with the release of the first album ’Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars’ in Nov 2021, because this is, when the band appeared in public at the first time. Farago and I worked on demos before that time and some ideas made it into songs on the first record. So for us it was clear to transform from the demo songwriting into a band. We gathered a rhythm section around us, which contains of good friends of us,- Thanatos and Apophis, and ’Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars’ was born. We were able to play live to promote this album and then we started working on the new Album ’Aetas Ascensus’. So now, it will be released very soon, and we couldn’t be more happy with the results.
Minkälaiset tavoitteet yhtyeellänne on: Growing, playing, recording. Servant stands for pure dedication. For us there is no limit. We always try to push boundaries and become stronger in what we do.
Minkälainen työnjako musiikin tekemisessä on: As mentioned before, Servant stands for pure dedication. We always try to leave our egos out when it comes to work on new material. All songs on ’Aetas Ascensus ’were written by Farago, who is one of the driven engines in Servant. The rest of the band took the part us a advisor and recorded instruments for the final songs. The band fully trusted him and let him fulfill his visions about the songs. Everyone has a specific task at a time and we not complaining about anything or try to push egos our a specific opinion if there is not the time for this. Another example is the making of the video for the first single ’To Crown A Beast ’ All ideas and direction were made by the band itself. A good friend of us took over cameras, lighting and editing and so made this video come to life. When working on this one band member had his vision and rest of the band helped out in the most possible effective way. For us only important is the final result we get. And this should have been done always in the best way.
Millainen kokemus bändinne on livenä ja miksi yhtyeenne keikoille kannattaa tulla: Lust, hunger, magick. We live to play live and create a connection with the audience. We always try to build up a community, so that energies can flow freely from stage to audience and back.
Uusimman levynne nimi: The second album ’Aetas Ascensus ’ will be released on 7th July 23 via MDD records. The whole process took us half a year. From writing songs/lyrics, production and mastering. We had so little time to get everything right, but looking back, this was the right way to do this. All compositions are linked to each other and you can hear like a red line running through the songs. Overall it sounds all lot more wilder, furious and yet matured and tidied up than our previous album ’Blessed By The Light Of A Thousand Stars’.
Avatkaa uuden levynne/julkaisunne taustoja. Mikä on toiminut sen inspiraationa ja miten tuotos on syntynyt: Farago and I talked about the process of the album and at a very early point we realized that we have some sort of a concept album, yet it doesn’t tale a fixed story. The title is translated to age of ascension. It is about kings and emperors who ruled upon their kingdoms and empires, but failed at the end due to rebellion or their on madness which let everything come to a inevitable downfall. We do not have our own ideology but are very interested in different religious and occult teachings, philosophy, art and history of religion. For the album we did research on Christian sects, gnosis for example. We were very interested in conflicts between different Christian sects and how these different groups mark each other as heretics. The point with this is, religion is just a pretext to destroy the opposition. It does not come from true religious feelings but is politically reason for a specific group – or a king, to eradicate those who might are a threat to his self given right to rule. Other lyrics deal with religious/occult ideas of creation and damnation or are inspired by texts about made rulers and how they see the world. For this album it was important to us to tell interesting stories about these themes and leave the interpretation to the listeners.
Minkä bändin kanssa lähtisitte kaikkein mieluiten kiertämään maailmaa: At the moment we are focusing more on the booking again. We do have some plans we wanted to execute. For a young band like us it is very important to play live and show the people who we are. We are definitely wilt to do that and looking forward to every show.
Jos uudelta levyltä/vanhasta tuotannosta pitäisi suositella kahta biisiä, niin mitkä ne olisivat ja miksi: Different band members might give different answers here, because you have some songs you love to play live and you have some you don’t, because they may contain parts which almost kill you every time. Looking at the albums I would say every song is in the right place and important to the dramaturgy. But personally I really enjoy to play ’Negate the I’ and ’Death Meditation ’ from the first and ’To Crown A Beast ’ and ’Seven Sins To End The World ’ from the second album.
Mikä musiikki kolahtaa yhtyeellenne juuri nyt: We do not only listen to black metal but to a huge variety of music and styles. Although Farago had played in black metal bands like andras and ancient wargod in the early nineties he is is also very in 80’s rock and metal.  Thanatos comes from the The stoner and doom section while Apophis is more into technical and progressive stuff like gojira and opeth. For myself I also like classical music and play classical guitar.
Muita asioita, joita haluatte kertoa yhtyeestänne: Right now we are working on the booking for upcoming shows and on our second video from the new record. So expect more news to come very soon.
Minkälaiset terveiset haluatte lähettää lukijoille: Thanks to everyone who comes out to a show, buys a shirt or the new Album. And many thanks for this interview. This overall support means al lot!
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Kuva: Servant

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