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Grave Digger julkaisi uuden singlen ja lyriikkavideon ”Barbarian”

Saksalainen Grave Digger on palannut Skotlannin maisemiin 40-vuotista uraansa juhlistavalla albumilla “Fields Of Blood”. Yhtye on julkaissut uuden singlen ja lyriikkavideon kappaleesta ”Barbarian”.

Biisistä kerrotaan seuraavaa:

BARBARIAN … the new Grave Digger single ”Barbarian” from the album “Fields of Blood” is Teutonic steel in its purest form. No prisoners are taken here … you can feel how Cumberland pushes the ”Highland Cleanings” and how whole villages are getting destroyed. He violates the Highlander women and kills everything in his way. His indescribable Cruelty is unparalleled in the history of Scotland. ”Barbarian” will become another band classic Chorus will be hammered in your head… ”Cold blooded murderer, Killer of the Jacobites, Butcher of Culloden, Cumberland the BARBARIAN.

1 The Clansman´s Journey
2 All for the Kingdom
3 Lions of the Sea
4 Freedom
5 The Heart of Scotland
6 Thousand Tears
7 Union of the Crown
8 My final Fight
9 Gathering of the Clans
10 Barbarian
11 Fields of Blood
12 Requiem for the Fallen

Lähde ja kuva: Napalm Records

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