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Gone In April julkaisi lyriikkavideon kappaleesta ”Power To Heal” – mukana Testamentin basisti Steve Di Giorgio

Kuva: Gone In April

Tiedote 6.1.2021

USA-Kanadalainen sinfonista metallia soittava Gone In April on julkaissut lyriikkavideon kappaleesta ”Power To Heal”, joka löytyy yhtyeen vuonna 2019 julkaistulta studioalbumilta ”Shards Of Light”. Kappaleessa ja bändissä on mukana myös mm. Testamentista tuttu nauhattoman basson soittotaituri Steve Di Giorgio. Wayne Joynerin animoima video on katsottavissa alta.

Bändi kommentoi:

”As we get closer to 2021, we look back on 2020, and think about how our lives have changed due to the pandemic. We are extremely grateful for all the dedicated healthcare workers that have given, and continue to give everything they have, and for so many months in a row. We salute your courage, your devotion and your strength. Many of us in the band have either worked in healthcare, or have close family that do. In the song Power to Heal, from our album Shards of Light (2019), we put ourselves in the shoes of a physician, experiencing both the victories and the struggles attached to the profession. We wish all of you a happy new year, with the strong hope that 2021 will be the year where we can put these trying times behind us. To 2021 and awesome times to come! Many thanks to Wayne Joyner who created/animated the lyric video!”

Kuva: Gone In April
Lähde: Alpha Omega Management

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