Italialainen thrash metal -yhtye Extrema on julkaissut uuden singlen ja versionsa Judas Priestin vuoden 1976 ”Sad Wings Of Destiny” -klassikolta nostetusta kappaleesta ”The Ripper”. Biisi on taltioitu bändin viimeisimmän ”Headbanging Forever” -levyn sessioissa ja sen tuotot ohjataan koronan vuoksi pahasti kärsineen Italian viruksen vastaiseen työhön.
Kitaristi Tommy Massara kommentoi:
Our cover of ‘The Ripper’ was originally conceived as a bonus track of ‘Headbanging Forever’ for the Japanese market. As we did not find the sought license in Japan, the song was closed in a drawer. To me Coronavirus is like Jack the Knife hitting you from behind, so I felt the need to release the song as a digital single. All the royalty’s proceeds will be donated to the Italian Civil Protection. I discussed it with Gabri, Frullo and Tiziano, and they enthusiastically accepted. I hope you enjoy our version of this timeless Judas Priest’s classic hit.
Vokalisti Tiziano “Titan” Spigno lisää:
This emergency, which arrived in the midst of our Italian tour, caught everyone unprepared. During these times music, books, movies, and art in general, although so badly affected, in many cases are a refuge for those people isolated at home, managing to get a few moments of serenity. Extrema want to contribute with this cover, recorded during the recording session of ‘Headbanging Forever.’
Lähde: Metal Insider
Kuva: Emanuela Giurano Photography