Ruotsalainen death metal-veteraani Evocation on julkaissut kolmannen singlen ja uuden musiikkivideon maaliskuussa ilmestyvältä “The Shadow Archetype”-albumilta. Biisi tottelee nimeä ”Condemned to the Grave” ja jatkaa bändin lupaamaa linjanmuutosta melodisesta death metallista perinteisempään ruhjontaan. ”The Shadow Archetype” julkaistaan Metal Bladen kautta 10.3.2017 ja ennakkotilauksen voi jättää linkistä.
Kitaristi Marko Palmén kuvailee uutta videota:
The video for ’Condemned to the Grave’ was shot with Greenworks Television on the 4th of February at a deserted house in the small village of Gölingstorp, Sweden. The deserted house was actually something that we found through a friend who specialized in photographing deserted buildings. According to villagers the house has been deserted for at least 30 years. It’s a beautiful house and the ageing has perhaps added the house even more character. The day of the video shoot was freezing… But it added a special eerie feeling since there is a small layer of snow in the landscape and on many of the shots with the actors you can see their breaths in the air. The end result became quite spectacular (not for the weak hearted I might add…) and we all hope you enjoy the video for ’Condemned to the Grave’!
Katso “Condemned To The Grave” alta:
1. Into Ruins
2. Condemned To The Grave
3. Modus Operandi
4. Children Of Stone
5. The Coroner
6. The Shadow Archetype
7. Blind Obedience
8. Survival Of The Sickest
9. Sulphur And Blood
10. Imperium Fall
11. Dark Day Sunrise
Lähde: Metal Blade