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Equilibrium julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon ”One Folk”

Saksalainen Equilibrium on julkaissut uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”One Folk”. Bändin edellinen studiolevy ”Renegades” ilmestyi viime syksyllä.

Singlen saa tilaukseen linkistä.

Berthammer kommentoi:

2020 is the first year since 2003 that we are not able to play any festival shows for obvious reasons. But just as everybody else we had to deal with that situation and we decided to spend a lot of time in the studio, writing new songs. We are very happy to share our newest creation ”One Folk” with the world, our hymn to humanity. This song includes many of our favourite Equilibrium trademarks and I think it also shows what to expect from us in the future. We just can’t wait to play it also live hopefully soon!

Lähde ja kuva: Nuclear Blast

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