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Entisten In Flames -jäsenten perustama The Halo Effect julkaisee levyn ja nähdään Suomessa ensi vuonna

Kuva: Lucas Englund

Entisten In Flames -jäsenten perustama The Halo Effect julkaisee levyn ja nähdään Suomessa ensi vuonna. Yhtyeen jäsenet ovat vaikuttaneet myös yhtyeissä kuten Cyhra, Engel ja Dark Tranquility.

”Having grown up alongside Nuclear Blast in the early days of extreme metal, it just makes perfect sense for THE HALO EFFECT to partner with this prestigous label. Our music holds true to our roots and what made us who we are today while trusting our shared experiences to move forward. Joining our old and new friends at Nuclear Blast Records is an honour and a privilege and we look forward to to releasing this labour of love for metal together!”, yhtye kertoo.

Jens Prueter, Nuclear Blast Europe -levy-yhtiöstä kertoo: “In 2009 I was going to Gothenburg to produce the ’Where Death Is Most Alive’ documentary for a DARK TRANQUILLITY DVD. Getting deeper into the Gothenburg scene, going through hours of archive footage and listening to all the interviews, I though it was a jungle of incest. In the early 90s a bunch of guys moved between IN FLAMES, DARK TRANQUILLITY, CEREMONIAL OATH, HAMMERFALL and many more. We shouldn’t forget that most of the protagonists were still teenagers when they released their first ’Desecrator’ or ’Septic Broiler’ demo tapes. What looked like incest was just a group of friends who shared a deep passion for metal. You could call it an all-star band but it’s basically just an all-family band. Listening to THE HALO EFFECT is like going to a New Year’s dinner enjoying the best food and drinks of the year. And it’s a pleasure to be invited and share the joy with the rest of the world. Cheers!”

Yhtye julkaisee ensimmäisen singlensä ”Shadowminds” 9.11.2021 ja suuntaa kiertueelle Amon Amarthin ja Machine Headin kanssa.

”We could not be more excited to partner with Cobra Agency for our first tour of Europe together with metal giants AMON AMARTH and MACHINE HEAD. Working together with people who are passionate about the road, the crews, the bands and the fans means a lot to us and doing this together is something we very much look forward to. See you in Sept/Oct!”



Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Lucas Englund

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