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Eclipse tarjoilee uuden musiikkivideon tulevalta ”Momentum”-albumilta

Ruotsin hard rock-kärkinimi Eclipse julkaisee uuden albumin ”Momentum” maaliskuussa. Nyt bändi tarjoilee Aftonbladetin kautta uuden musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Never Look Back”. Levy on kaupoissa 24.3.2017 ja ennakkotilattavissa linkistä.

Keulamies ja sävellysvastaava Erik Mårtensson kertoo tulevasta levystä:

With every album, one’s way of writing music changes a bit. What you thought was exciting and interesting while writing one album can radically change when you start writing the next. I think we have brought in quite a few new tricks in the writing and recording process while still staying true to our sound. In the end, it all boils down to if it’s good or bad songs and I think this is the best album we’ve done. In my opinion there is not one single weak song on the album and I’m really proud of it! When I go and see a band I just want to hear songs that make me wanna put my fist in the air and scream along, and I want everyone around me to do the same. Well “Monumentum” is one giant fist waiting for a chanting crowd of rockers. We can’t wait for the people to hear it!

Katso “Never Look Back” alta:

“Momentum”- kansi ja kappalelista:

1. Vertigo
2. Never Look Back
3. Killing Me
4. The Downfall Of Eden
5. Hurt
6. Jaded
7. Born To Lead
8. For Better Or For Worse
9. No Way Back
10. Night Comes Crawling

Lähde: Aftonbladet

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