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Eclipse julkaisi uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon ”Saturday Night (Hallelujah)”


Eclipse on julkaissut uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon ”Saturday Night (Hallelujah)”, joka on ruotsalaisyhtyeen albumilta ”Viva La Victoria”.

“It was another one of those Saturday nights. At home. But, for the first time in a very long time there was hope. Suddenly there were stories about someone’s mom getting ’the shot’, an old neighbor who was able to see the grandkids for the first time in a year, and I saw an ad for a gig. A real one, without screens or internet connections. A songwriter buddy of mine was there and we walked back to the studio and wrote most of what would become ’Saturday Night (Hallelujah)’ in 15 minutes,” kertoo Erik Martensson.

“There’s absolutely nothing snotty about this song. It’s about partying! Don’t try to tell me you’re not up for a good f***ing party right about now?”


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