Yhdysvaltojen Marylandista ponnistava dark metal -yhtye Dialogia julkaisee debyyttialbuminsa ”Nostrum” omakustanteena 2.10.2020. Debyyttialbumilla vierailee koko joukko muusikoita, muun muassa Deathista tuttu Bobby Koelble. Tulevalta albumilta on julkaistu single ”Metalurgia”.
Kuuntele ”Metalurgia” täällä:
Bändin kitaristi Bobby Tufino kommentoi singejulkaisua:
”’Metalurgia’ comes at a point in the album’s narrative where regret and howling shadows propel our protagonist into a swirling madness; we asked Jasper [Barendregt] to embody that sense of building insanity with a truly unhinged drum solo, and there is no question that he delivered. The song is menacing and appropriately riffy when called for, but never at the expense of the dark atmosphere that is fundamental to Nostrum as a whole.”
1. Earth
2. The Gleaming Fracture
3. Aletheia
4. Metalurgia
5. Conundrum
6. Legulus
7. Stratagem
8. Sacrosanctum
9. FearBlack RedEscape
10. Unlocked
Alejandro Nogales – vocals, guitars, bass, keys
Bobby Tufino – guitars, backing vocals
Jasper Barendregt – drums
Vierailevat muusikot:
Guthrie Iddings – vocals (tracks 2, 8, 9)
Marisa Frantz – vocals (tracks 1, 9)
Gina Ellen – voice of Aletheia (track 4)
Johannes Zetterberg – fretless bass (tracks 5, 7)
Laura Morrell – choir (track 5)
Barre Gambling – guest solo (track 7)
Bobby Koelble – guest solo (track 9)
Maria Grigoryeva – viola (track 10)
Samantha Hegre – cello (track 10)
Dialogia netissä:
Lähde: Earsplit PR
Kuva: Dialogia