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Def Leppard julkaisee 30-vuotisjuhlaboksin ”Hysteria”-albumista elokuussa

Def Leppard julkaisee 5CD+2DVD 30-vuotisjuhlaversion yhdestä musiikkihistorian menestyneimmistä levyistä elokuussa 2017. Yhtye valmisteli aikanaan ”Hysteria”-levyään neljä vuotta ensin tuottaja Jim Steinmanin ja myöhemmin Mutt Langen kanssa. Albumi ilmestyi elokuussa 1987, siltä lohkaistiin seitsemän hittisingleä ja levyä on sittemmin myyty 25 miljoonaa kappaletta.

Uudessa ”Hysteria”-boksissa on remasteroidun levyn lisäksi mukana neljän CD:n verran bonusmateriaalia, remiksauksia, vuoden 1989 ”Live In The Round, In Your Face” konserttifilmin soundtrack ja sinkkujen B-puolia. DVD:llä on Classic Albums-sarjaan kuuluva dokumentti levystä, kaikki promovideot sekä TV-esiintymisiä. Lisäksi pakettiin kuuluu neljä kirjaa. Vähempään tyytyville myös yhden ja 3CD-versiot tulevat saataville.

”Hysteria 30th anniversary Super deluxe edition” ilmestyy Universalin kautta 4.8.2017 ja on ennakkotilattavissa linkistä.

Laulaja Joe Elliott kommentoi Rolling Stonelle julkaisua:

It’s hard to believe that it’s been thirty years since the release of “Hysteria”… In some respects it really does seem like only yesterday. So, to mark this milestone, we wanted to do something very special for our fans and give them the definitive version of the album, one that incorporates all of the memories and milestones that we caught on tape and some of the madness that we got up to on the road. We hope it means as much to you as it does to us. During our 40-year career, we’ve been blessed to have experienced some incredible highs, work with some amazing people and enjoy success beyond our wildest dreams. The “Hysteria”- album was a labor of love, of that there is no doubt. But we’ve always believed you get what you give, and the longevity of the album is testimony to our sold belief in ourselves and the music.

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

[one_fourth]CD1 (Remastered Hysteria)
4.Love Bites
5.Pour Some Sugar On Me
6.Armageddon It
7.Gods Of War
8.Don’t Shoot Shotgun
9.Run Riot
12.Love And Affection
1.Tear It Down (B-side)
2.I Wanna Be Your Hero (Retro Active)
3.Ride Into The Sun (Retro Active)
4.Ring Of Fire (B-Side)
5.Women (Radio Edit)
6.Rocket (Lunar Mix) (Radio Edit)
7.Love Bites (Radio Edit)
8.Hysteria (Radio Edit)
9.Pour Some Sugar on Me (Radio Edit)
10.Armageddon It (Radio Edit)
11.Release Me (Stumpus Maximus)
12.Classic Album – Hysteria (BBC Radio Documentary)[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]CD3
1.Rocket (The Lunar Mix – Extended Version) (B-Side)
2.Armageddon It (The Nuclear Mix) (12″ Single)
3.Animal (Extended Version)
4.Pour Some Sugar On Me (Extended Version)
5.Excitable (The Orgasmic Mix) (B-Side)
6.Rocket (Lunar Mix) (B-Side)
7.Rock Of Ages (Live) (B-Side)
8.Love And Affection (Live) (B-Side)
9.Billy’s Got A Gun (Live) (B-Side)[/one_fourth] [one_fourth]CD4: In The Round, In Your Face (Live)
2.Rock! Rock! (Till You Drop)
4.Too Late For Love
6.Gods Of War
7.Die Hard The Hunter

CD5: In The Round, In Your Face (Live)
1.Bringin’ On The Heartbreak
3.Armageddon It
5.Pour Some Sugar On Me
6.Phil Solo
7.Rock Of Ages
8.Photograph[/one_fourth] [one_fourth_last]DVD1
1.Rocket (TOTP)
2.Pour Some Sugar On Me (TOTP)
3.Animal (TOTP)
4.Pour Some Sugar On Me (Brit Awards)
5.Women (Promo Video)
6.Animal (Promo Video)
7.Pour Some Sugar On Me (Promo Video)
8.Pour Some Sugar On Me (US Version Live)
9.Hysteria (Promo Video)
10.Love Bites (Promo Video)
11.Rocket (Promo Video)
12.Armageddon It (Live) (Promo Video)

DVD2 (Classic Albums)
5.Love Bites
6.Pour Some Sugar On Me

Bonus Material
7.Initial Recordings of Animal
8.Rick Gets Hysterical
9.Hysteria (Acoustic Performance)
10.Drumming – Return to The Status Quo
11.The Album According to Joe
12.Sugar Stripped Down
13.Pour Some Sugar on Me (Acoustic Performance)
14.Guitars, Guitars, Guitars
15.Windmill II and The Gods Of War
16.Mutt’s Vocals In The Mix
17.The Album is Finally Released[/one_fourth_last]

Katso uusi traileri julkaisusta alta:

Kuvat: Epic
Lähde: Rolling Stone

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