Dee Snider on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Tomorrow’s No Concern”. Biisi löytyy vokalistin viimeisimmältä soololevyltä ”For The Love Of Metal”. Video on taltioitu Twisted Sister –legendan keikalla Sao Paulossa.
Snider kertoo kappaleesta seuraavaa:
It is almost a year to the day that the lyric video for “Tomorrow’s No Concern” was released. The song immediately connected with the metal community and since then, my album “For the Love of Metal” produced by Jamey Jasta on Napalm Records has become a bonafide hit. Now my live shows are filled, not just for my ‘twisted’ past, but also for my very metal now. That is why I wanted to release this live concert video performance of “Tomorrow’s No Concern”. Filmed in Sao Paulo, Brazil by acclaimed director Leo Libertine, it is the perfect bookend to my year in metal and beautifully shows the growing enthusiasm for my new music from my legion of heavy metal ‘Dee-sciples’! We are all fucking metal!
Snider kiertää Eurooppaa ensi kesällä ja nähdään Skandinaviassa seuraavilla keikoilla kesä-heinäkuussa:
26.6. – Live på Liseberg – Gothenburg, Sweden
28.6.- Stadsfesten i Skellefteå – Västerbotten, Sweden
4.7. – Helgeåfestivalen time to rock Knislinge Folkets Park & F-yra Knislinge – Skåne, Sweden
13.7. – Norway Rock Festival – Kvinesdal, Norway
Lähde: Napalm Records
Kuva: Hannu Juutilainen ©Metalliluola