David Vincent on tulevan I Am Morbidin Euroopan kiertueen alla antamassaan haastattelussa kertonut muistojaan entisen yhtyeensä Morbid Angelin death metal-genreä muovanneista levyistä 1980-90 lukujen taitteessa. Vincent nostaa tarkalleen 28 vuotta sitten ilmestyneen debyytin ”Altars Of Madness” bändin merkittävimmäksi levyksi. Vokalisti kertoo myös I Am Morbid-projektin keskustelleen uuden studioalbumin levyttämisestä, mutta päätös riippuu paljolti tulevan kiertueen menestyksestä.
Vincent kuvaa Floridan death metal-liikettä ja ”Altars Of Madness”-julkaisua:
I love each one of them for what they are. They all sound very different and have different production. But certainly I think “Altars Of Madness” started it all. It was a pivotal record, even today I’m flattered it is still revered to the point that it is. Way back when, there weren’t that many bands especially going in this direction. But if you look at bands who were making music at the time, you’ll notice everybody sounded different. There wasn’t anyone who sounded like we did. If you listen to Death, Obituary and our contemporaries from the “Florida metal scene” everyone sounded different, we did our thing, they did their thing and it was great. Nowadays there isn’t as much diversity.
Mahdollisesta uudesta I Am Morbid-levystä Vincent kertoo seuraavaa:
We had a very casual discussion about that, we’ll see how it goes. If we do a record my choice would be to work with these same guys. All of these people I’m working with are quality musicians and longtime friends. There is definitely a lot of talent.
Kuuntele koko haastattelu alta:
Lähde: Metal Wani
Kuva: Leandro Chenutti