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Creak julkaisi singlen ”Bitter picture”

Englannin Newcastlesta kotoisin oleva metalcoreyhtye Creak on julkaissut singlen ”Bitter picture”. Single on lohkaistu bändin samannimiseltä debyytti-EP:ltä.

Kuuntele uusi single täällä:

Creak, Bitter picture, levyn kansikuva

Bändin laulaja Jack Dunn kommentoi julkaisua:

“The song ‘Bitter Picture’ is about watching someone close to you set down a destructive spiral and seeing them become a shadow of themselves. Somewhere between acceptance and grief, it sums up the themes and tone throughout the EP’s concept on how turmoil can affect a family, and how much of a long term effect it can have.

”It’s probably the most honest song we have written as a band, but it’s also the most difficult to talk about because of that. There’s a lot of emotions and situations behind the inspiration of this song that I don’t think we have fully come to terms with ourselves, but I think sonically we managed to capture a part of it.”

Creak netissä:

Lähde: Hold Tight PR
Kuva: Creak

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