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Cradle Of Filthin ”Dusk And Her Embrace – The Original Sin” julkaistaan 8.7.2016


Cradle Of Filthin legendaarinen albumi ”Dusk And Her Embrace” täyttää syksyllä pyöreät 20 vuotta. Fanien iloksi yhtye juhlistaa asiaa iskemällä pihalle alkuperäisversion kyseisestä albumista. Levy kantaa nimeä ”Dusk And Her Embrace – The Original Sin” ja julkaisu tulee tapahtumaan Cacophonous Recordsin toimesta heinäkuun 8.päivä.

Dani Filth kertoi tulevasta julkaisusta seuraavaa:

We’ll be releasing the version of “Dusk And Her Embrace” that nobody has ever heard before. We recorded the album in 1995 and then the band split in two half. Three members went to form The Blood Divine leading myself, Nicholas Barker and Robin Graves to take our record company at the time, which was Cacophonous Records, to the court. We came to an agreement where we gave them the “Vempire” album and they gave us back “Dusk And Her Embrace”. We then went to Music For Nations and re-recorded the album. There was solely a different track. We wrote “Malice Through The Looking Glass” while the previous version had “Nocturnal Supremacy” instead. So nobody has ever heard the original recording from 1995. It’s a completely different album, it sounds very different. I found out a couple weeks ago that Cacophonous Records has started back up again; they rang me and said look: “We’d like to release this version for the 20th anniversary, are u with us?” And I said “Yes, definitely”. I’m so excited.



1.Macabre, This Banquet
2.Nocturnal Supremacy
3.Heaven Torn Asunder
4.Dusk And Her Embrace
5.A Gothic Romance
6.The Graveyard By Moonlight
7.Funeral In Carpathia
8.Beauty Slept In Sodom
9.The Haunted Shores Of Avalon
10.Carmilla’s Masque
11.A Gothic Romance (Bonus Demo Track)
12.Nocturnal Supremacy (Bonus Demo Track)

Lähde: Rock


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