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Children Of Bodomilta uusi single ja lyriikkavideo ”Hecate’s Nightmare”

Children Of Bodom juhlistaa uutta “Hexed”-levyään lyriikkavideolla ja singlellä kappaleesta “Hecate’s Nightmare”.

Metalliluolan tuoreen arvion levystä saa lukuun linkistä.

Alexi Laiho kommentoi:

So finally the day has arrived. The 10th COB record has finally been released!!! It took an insane amount of hard work to put all this together but at this point it feels like it’s been more waiting anxiously than anything else so I’m both excited and relieved that the damn thing is out. So thank you for your patience my friends, I hope the waiting has been worthwhile and that you’ll like the album. Either way I’ll see you on the road soon. Horns up!

Lähde: Nuclear Blast

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