Iron Maiden –johtohahmo Steve Harris kertoo uudessa tiedotteessa sivuprojektinsa British Lionin julkaisevan seuraajan vuoden 2012 debyyttilevylleen ensi vuoden alussa. Levyltä on jo julkaistu kappale ”Spit Fire”, joka kuunneltavissa alta. British Lion nähdään kotimassaan Englannissa kiertueella tulevan joulun alla.
Harrisin kommentit tulevasta levystä:
I’m in the U.K. in December and thought it would be great to take British Lion out on the road for a few shows while I’m here. We haven’t played any in England since 2017 and as most people know, I love getting out and playing live whenever I can, so this seemed a good opportunity to fit some dates in. The setlist will be a mixture of songs from the first British Lion -album and new songs from our upcoming second album which is due to be released early next year. We’ll be announcing full details of that very shortly.
Kuva: John McMurtrie©