Norjalainen death metal -veteraani Blood Red Throne julkaisi uuden singlen ja lyriikkavideon ”Itika”, joka on yhtyeen 8.10.2021 julkaistavalta albumilta ”Imperial Congregation” (Nuclear Blast).
Kitaristi Daniel Olaisen kertoo: ”’Itika’ was one of the first songs I wrote for this album and it’s heavy as fuck. Some real cool rhythm stuff going on and somewhat futuristic leads. ’Itika’ stands out on the album as a more fictional love song. Some necrophile dude, longing to get the sexy corpse, which keeps ignoring him. He wishes he was good enough, or dead enough, to get her in the end.”
Ennakkotilaa ”Imperial Congregation”:
Imperial Congregation” biisilista:
1. Imperial Congregation
2. Itika
3. Conquered Malevolence
4. Transparent Existence
5. Inferior Elegance
6. We All Bleed
7. 6-7
9. Consumed Illusion
10. Hero-Antics
11. Zarathurstra
“This time around we’ve made something new and fresh in our sound. We felt it from the very first song that was written; this will take us to a whole different level in terms of arrangements, riffs, vocals… everything. We are super-excited to share this with our fans, and in cooperation with the greatest label ever,” kertoo Olaisen.
Kansitaiteen suunnitteli Marcelo Vasco. “Many of our lyrics deal with our skepticism of religion, and of mankind in general. Be free or be dead,” kertoo Olaisen. ”Two gigantic skeletons tower over the men of worship as they dictate human fate by candlelight.”
Lähde: Nuclear Blast