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Blood Red Fogin uusi ”Fields Of Sorrow” -levy kuunneltavissa

Tiedote 29.8.2020

Suomalainen black metal -yhtye Blood Red Fog on julkaissut viidennen levynsä ”Fields Of Sorrow” Deviant Recordsin kautta. Albumi on kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan alta.
Tiedotteessa levyä kuvataan seuraavasti:

As the fog rises the rivers of blood will burst their banks, and the world will drown in their own decline. With each release in more than 15 years of activity Blood Red Fog more and more cemented their status as constantly fascinating, ever genuine force of darkness that nourishes itself from the eternal black flame. The band’s fifth album ”Fields of Sorrow” is yet another, maybe their most impressive evidence of how excellent these men connect skillful songwriting and a state of being deeply lost in a possessed, trancelike state of creativity. Over the course of more than 50 minutes each of these five heavily grievous songs, framed by intro and outro as well as pierced by a psychedelic intermezzo, breathes manifold moments of cold majesty and contagious gloominess, confidence and profoundness, obscurity and passion, shadows, misery and pain.

01 Before The Cold Light
02 Gallows Poles And Shallow Graves
03 Abode Of Shadows
04 Ever-Returning Genocide
05 Mustaan Uneen
06 Mustasta Unesta
07 Fields Of Sorrow
08 Gray Steppes

B.R.F. – Instruments & vocals
Desolate – Bass
Profundiis – Drums

Lähde: Deviant Records
Kuva: Maija Lahtinen Photography

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