Tiedote 27.9.2020
Kotimainen blackened death metal -yhtye Proscription on julkaissut uuden albuminsa ”Conduit”, joka on kuunneltavissa kokonaisuudessaan alta.
Levy sai ensikuuntelunsa Decibel Magazinen kautta, jossa yhtyettä ja teosta kuvattiin seuraavasti:
As the eerie ambience of intro “Four Wings Within the Samiel” fades into the massive opening of “I, The Burning Son,” Proscription show off their penchant for riffcraft, combining lurching, dissonant death metal with eerie doom and cold black metal in a package that succeeds in achieving both atmosphere and songwriting.
The mix and master on Conduit elevates Proscription among many of their peers. Handled by Dave Otero, each instrument is clear without compromising weight or density (case in point: “To Reveal the Words Without Words”). In a crowded playing field, Proscription and Conduit are not to be missed.
1. Four Wings Within The Samiel
2. I, The Burning Son
3. Red Sacrament Black Communion
4. Radiant Midnight
5. Thy Black Nimbus Gate
6. Voiceless Calling
7. Blessed Feast Of Black Seth
8. To Reveal The Words Without Words
9. Conduit
Kuva: Jimmy Timonen