Black metal -yhtye Asphagor – ”It’s wild, ferocious and energetic like the songs we play.”
Metalliluolan toimitus
Kuva: Asphagor
Itävallasta tuleva black metal -yhtye Asphagor vastaili Metalliluolan kysymyspatteristoon. Tutustu yhtyeeseen alla.
Bändin nimi:
Yhtyeen genre:
Black Metal
Ketä yhtyeeseen kuuluu:
Hybreos – Morgoth is our main vocalist, M.E is on drums and the only founding member still in the band, M.Zanesco handles rhythm guitars and backing vocals, P.P.Lps is on bass guitar and I am dealing with lead guitars.
Mistä yhtyeenne on kotoisin:
M.E- We are from mountainous Tyrol, Austria
Yhtyeenne esikuvat:
M.E- There are many different bands/genres. Everyone has his own favorite bands and influences and I think that’s the reason for the band’s diversity.Hybreos: That’s true, we cannot necessarily pin down a common denominator, that would work for every band member. In order to write music (at least that’s true for me) I often listen to no heavy music at all for extended periods of time. Writing riffs in that starving state of mind feels really different, fresh and often yields surprising results
Kertokaa yhtyeenne taustatarina:
M.E – We started the band back in 2007 after we met at a concert in our hometown Wörgl. After months of writing and rehearsing songs we recorded our debut album HAVOC.Hybreos: I can only tell the story from 2013 on since I joined back then, but I recall having seen Asphagor’s first ever show. Little did I know back then, that I’d join the band some years after. We had some lineup changes after our second album, ANTI, since old members Axis, Atlas and Aeshma decided to split up with the band due to personal reasons. M.Zanesco was filling in for some shows on bass and guitar and then became a permanent member as guitar player right before the recording of ‘The Cleansing’. P.P.Lps joined as most recent member on bass guitar duties a while ago. It feels and shows that we have evolved a lot, mentally and personally, since the release of the album ANTI (I wouldn’t necessarily say in maturity) but we always strived to create our strongest songwriting so far, which I think we managed on ‘Pyrogenesis’.
Minkälaiset tavoitteet yhtyeellänne on:
M.E- We all have our regular day jobs, family duties and so on. So, the band will always be a serious hobby for us. But of course, we want to come around and play shows, festivals etc. especially in countries where we’ve never been to or played before.
Minkälainen työnjako musiikin tekemisessä on:
M.E- I put the most of my time into songwriting and arrangements but it’s not just me of course. Everyone is involved a lot into the creative process. Morgoth creates all the visuals. He draws/paints the cover artworks, merchandise designs, stage props etc. While M.Zanesco and Hybreos handle business and networking. And besides playing bass, P.P.Lps is also our light guy. He invests a lot of time in light technique and stage design.
Millainen kokemus bändinne on livenä ja miksi yhtyeenne keikoille kannattaa tulla:
Hybreos – It’s wild, ferocious and energetic like the songs we play. We like to give 110% at every show and often travel with our own light and fog equipment to create an immersive atmosphere.
Uusimman levynne nimi:
M.E – Pyrogenesis Hybreos: The name originally stems from the poem ‘Prometheus’ by Goethe I once read during writing lyrics for our previous album ‘The Cleansing’. It kind of stuck in my mind ever since and then we decided to give it a go.
Avatkaa uuden levynne/julkaisunne taustoja. Mikä on toiminut sen inspiraationa ja miten tuotos on syntynyt:
Hybreos: As opposed to the previous record, ‘Pyrogenesis’ is not a concept album and follows individual inspirations for each song. Nine Moons discusses the topic of Aztek god Tezcatlipoca, who’s main intent is to churn twilight, fear and unrest between peoples, giving riches to kings and taking them away at his own will. The Mizaru Doctrine, called after the blindfolded of the three monkeys, is dealing with the fact, that just by looking away, issues will not resolve themselves. The Great Erosion is per say describing the current development of ever-decreasing attention spans and also loss of originality. Pavor Nocturnus is following up on the desire to never wake up from sleep again to avoid conflict and problems, which in turn only fuels the described person’s problems. These are of course just excerpts doing the songs no real justice.
Minkä bändin kanssa lähtisitte kaikkein mieluiten kiertämään maailmaa:
M.E – That’s a tough question. There are too many bands to be honest but i think the most important thing is that you get along well with the bands you’re touring with.
Jos uudelta levyltä/vanhasta tuotannosta pitäisi suositella kahta biisiä, niin mitkä ne olisivat ja miksi:
Hybreos – try ‘(In the) Sea of Empty Shells’, one of your most non-linear songs off the album ‘The Cleansing’ and our new single ‘The Great Erosion’, which we just recently uploaded as lyric video on Youtube, but is also available on all streaming platforms.
Mikä musiikki kolahtaa yhtyeellenne juuri nyt:
M.E – At Moment i’m really into Drab Majesty from Los Angeles, Enslaved, good old stuff like Grand Funk Railroad, Atomic Rooster etc. and a lot of brutal stuff like Hour of Penance, Aeon etc.Hybreos – The short time favourites change every month, but at the moment I’m a lot into Armenian improv pianist Tigran Hamasyan, UK-based Metronomy, US Death Metal bands Artificial Brain and Suffering Hour, German Labyrinth of Stars, Icelandic post rock band Low Roar and Norwegian Dødheimsgard.
Muita asioita, joita haluatte kertoa yhtyeestänne:
M.E – We are now in the middle of the preparations for our release show on march 11th and the upcoming tour with Dark Fortress and The Spirit in May. After that cycle we will slowly get back to songwriting for the next album.
Minkälaiset terveiset haluatte lähettää lukijoille:
M.E – Buy the album, wear our merch and support Tyrolean Hell!