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Benediction julkaisi uuden singlen ja videon ”Stormcrow”

Kuva: Karen Rew

Benediction julkaisee uuden levyn ”Scriptures” 16.10.2020. Uusi single ja musiikkivideo ”Stormcrow” on katsottavissa alta. Albumin tuotti Scott Atkins Grindstone Studioilla. Ennakkotilausta saa jätettyä linkistä.

Kansitaiteesta vastasi Simon Harris. Uuden videon ohjasi Dan Hart / Light Engine Films.

Laulajaksi paluun tehnyt Dave Ingram kommentoi:

In many cultures the crow is seen as a harbinger of doom and a bad omen – this song deals with that.

Kitaristi Darren Brookes jatkaa:

“Stormcrow” was a particularly difficult but enjoyable video to shoot. As anyone who’s done one will know, it’s take after take after take, and as you can see it was a blisteringly hot day too. We did have passers by, joggers, dog walkers and they were stopping to check out what was going on and that’s the closest we’ve managed to a live gig this year!

1. Iterations Of I
2. Scriptures In Scarlet
3. The Crooked Man
4. Stormcrow
5. Progenitors Of A New Paradigm
6. Rabid Carnality
7. In Our Hands, The Scars
8. Tear Off These Wings
9. Embrace The Kill
10. Neverwhen
11. The Blight At The End
12. We Are Legion

Darren Brookes – guitar
Peter Rew – guitar
Dave Ingram – vocals
Dan Bate – bass
Giovanni Durst – drums

Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Karen Rew

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