Äskettäin uuden ”I Loved You At Your Darkest” –albumin julkaisseen Behemothin keulamies Adam ”Nergal” Darski kertoo uudella levy-yhtiön promovideolla näkemyksiään metallimusiikin nykytilasta. Nergal ylistää haastattelussa thrash-legenda Slayeria, joka on parhaillaan jäähyväiskiertueella. Nergal oli ylpeä saatuaan olla mukana Slayerin kiertueella aiemmin tänä vuonna, mutta saman aikaisesti mies on surullinen nähdessään vanhojen yhtyeiden lopettavan uransa yksi kerrallaan.
Metalliluolan tuoreen Nergal-haastattelun saa lukuun linkistä. Slayer tuo jäähyväiskiertueensa Suomeen joulukuussa 2018 ja Behemoth puolestaan keikkailee Helsingissä sekä Tampereella seuraavassa kuussa.
Nergalin kommentit Slayerista ja ikääntyvistä legendoista alla:
It makes me sad to see Slayer go. We just did a tour with them. It was a huge honor to be part of it. It was amazing on one hand, and on other hand it was pretty saddening. I have said this few times already but I just can’t imagine a world without Slayer. I can imagine a world without god, but not a world without Slayer. But obviously there are changes, people come and go. We have to accept that Black Sabbath is no more, Iron Maiden are counting down their days as well. All the big bands we looked up to, they will be gone sooner or later. Probably sooner, because they are all in their fifties or sixties. I just saw The Rolling Stones and Mick Jagger is what, over 70? He did amazing job, but we are just human beings. We are very fragile and shit happens. They are timeless but they are not ageless, and they will be gone sooner or later. They will retire. I have just seen The Rolling Stones, Guns N’ Roses and Metallica, and they are playing biggest shows of their career now. The paradox is they are at their peak at least concert wise although they actually are waving bye-bye to us all. So I just want see as much as possible, digest as much as possible my favorite music before it’s all gone.
Katso haastattelu kokonaisuudessaan:
Nergal esitti Slayerin kanssa ”Evil Has No Boundaries” –kappaleen soundcheckin aikana elokuussa 2017, video katsottavissa alta:
Lähde: Nuclear Blast
Kuva: Randy Blythe