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Avantasia viimeistellyt uuden levyn

Kuva: Avantasia Facebook-sivu

Avantasia kertoo Facebook-sivuillaan olevansa viimeistelly uuden levyn. Yhtyeen edellinen levy ”Moonglow” julkaistiin vuonna 2019.

”Listening to the final master. So happy with this album. Never before I had two years to work on an album without any interruption, doing many little things myself again like on earlier Edguy and Avantasia records. Sascha said in certain passages it sounds a bit more like older Avantasia or even Edguy and I know what he means. It’s the best of old and new, the best of both worlds without being an intentional leap back to the roots. I just did a lot of stuff myself as on earlier albums. You can hear all my influences and yet it’s typical Avantasia, Power Metal, Hard Rock, Rock, Pop, Epic Rock, Speed Metal… stay tuned for a soundclip teaser, I guess it won’t take too long… have a lovely sunday!”

Lähde: Avantasia
Kuva: Avantasia Facebook-sivu

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