”Moonglow”-kiertueen joulukuussa paketoiva Avantasia on ilmoittanut 20-vuotisjuhlakeikoista Euroopan festivaaleilla ensi kesänä. Yhtyeen debyyttilevystä ”The Metal Opera” (1999) alkanut ura tiivistetään lukuisten tähtivieraiden saattelemana settilistaan, joka sisältää poimintoja kaikilta projektin kahdeksalta studiolevyltä sekä harvinaisia, aiemmin lavalla kuulemattomia kappaleita.
Toistaiseksi yhtye on julkistanut konsertin Ruotsin Gefle Metal Festivaleilla 8.7.2020. Kyseessä on kesän 2020 ainoa esiintyminen Ruotsissa.
Keulamies Tobias Sammet kommentoi:
It‘s been a long road, an exciting journey full of hard work, taking risks and balancing on the edge at times. But I wouldn‘t want to miss a minute of it.
Looking back now, without the sheltering retreat and the creative freedom and possibilities I’ve found in Avantasia, I‘d probably have gone crazy and burnt out in this superficial, super-glossy and super-streamlined music industry, with its often unfulfillable and ludicrous expectations, by now.The naiveté to dream up Avantasia as a 20 year old boy has rewarded me with the chance to create my own little world that has always turned at my own little pace. That said, when you get to work next to your heroes and the best of the best – you don‘t even realize how you constantly break through your own limitations and discover new possibilities – the fuel for inspiration.
20 years and counting – thanks to our fans and my wonderful extended Avantasia family. And honestly, there is no better way to celebrate our anniversary than gathering the family on stage and in front of it for a few epic best-of shows featuring the most celebrated anthems of our career plus some songs that we have never or not played in a long time. Again I want to thank everybody who has joined me on my journey so far. And I am looking forward to delivering a great show with some of my amazing companions!
Kuva: Hannu Juutilainen ©Metalliluola
Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.