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At The Gates –miehistö ylistää Judas Priestin ”Sin After Sin” –levyä uudella videolla

At The Gatesin vokalisti Tomas Lindberg ja kitaristi Jonas Stålhammar vierailivat ruotsalaisessa Vad har du I påsen (Mitä löytyy pussista) –ohjelmassa, jossa tähdet esittelevät suosikkivinyylejään sekä artisteja.

Lindbergin ostoskassista löytyy Judas Priestin ”Sin After Sin” sekä Voivodin ”Killing Technology”. Stålhammarin valinta on puolestaan norjalaisen Trust Usin ”Motorpsycho”. Lindbergin mukaan Priestin vuoden 1977 LP on koko At The Gates –miehistön, entiset jäsenet mukaan lukien, suosikkilevyjä.

Tomas luonnehtii albumia seuraavasti:

Judas Priest is in one way the band that has been with me since my childhood hard rock period. And I guess they have shaped me the most. If you listen to a lot music you sometimes want that feeling of not knowing what will happen. Like “what was that thing?” But on”British Steel” and ”Defenders Of The Faith” everything is a bit more steady, straight on. You know exactly what’s going to happen. Although the things happening are good. They were a bit more progressive during “Sin After Sin”. It’s still very close to my heart. And the way they play on it is excellent. I believe this is a record that all members of At The Gates, including past members, would call a great album. The thing that still makes them challenging, are the earlier records just before they made it really big. That progressive sound, a bit unusual, sometimes weird compositions and not always only straight forward., but at the same time very good and strong songs. The steps they take on classic songs, “Sinner” and “Diamonds And Rust” for example. It’s silly word, but it’s proto-thrash. Especially “Dissident Aggressor” it’s so heavy that it could have been a death metal song. But the Joan Baez -cover is also fantastic, it’s brilliant. So I guess those are the songs that hit you the most direct, back then. There’s a lot of good stuff on the album and since there is so much going on, it’s still interesting.

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