Tiedote 21.11.2021
Alankomaalainen musiikin moniosaaja Arjen Lucassen julkaisee Star One -projektinsa uuden ”Revel In Time” -albumin ensi vuoden helmikuun 18. päivä InsideOutMusicin kautta. Levyltä on julkaistu musiikkivideoineen toinen single ”Fate Of Man”, jonka sanoitukset ovat Terminator-elokuvan inspiroimat. Mukana kappaleessa ovat Unleash The Archersin vokalisti Brittney Slayes ja Symphony X:n kitaristi Michael Romeo.
Artisti kommentoi kappaletta:
“This fast and furious album opener is the second video clip/single of the new Star One album ‘Revel In Time’. The lyrics are inspired by the movie Terminator.
For me this is the most Star One-ish track on the album, reminiscent of ‘Set Your Controls’ from the first Star One album ‘Space Metal’. The lead vocals are by the amazingly talented singer Brittney Slayes of Unleash the Archers and the virtuoso guitar solo is by none other than Michael Romeo of Symphony X. One of my own favorite tracks on the album. I hope you like it too, enjoy!
Video clip edited by Dave Letelier… in true Terminator style :-)”
1] Fate of Man 5:29
2] 28 Days (Till the End of Time) 7:21
3] Prescient 6:34
4] Back from the Past 4:50
5] Revel in Time 4:38
6] The Year of ’41 6:20
7] Bridge of Life 5:14
8] Today is Yesterday 5:46
9] A Hand on the Clock 5:52
10] Beyond the Edge of it All 4:52
11] Lost Children of the Universe 9:46
CD2 Sisältää samat kappaleet toisten vokalistien laulamina
Albumi on ennakkoon tilattavissa joulukuun 17. päivä 2CD Digipak:na, Deluxe 3CD+Blu-Ray Artbook:na (sisältäen kansitaidejulisteen), ja 180g taittuvakantisena 2LP:nä (sisältäen albumin CD-version & LP-kirjasen).
Levyn 2CD sisältää samat kappaleet kuin 1CD, mutta eri vokalistien laulamina. Blu-Ray -levyllä on myös 5.1-miksaukset kappaleista , sekä noin tunnin mittainen Behind The Scenes-video
Arjen kertoo Star One:n paluusta toisen levyn myötä:
“Ayreon is like the mothership for all my music. It contains all the different musical styles that I like to listen to and that I love to create. But I’m always looking for challenges and trying to create something new and original as well. Working within a set of constraints forces you to do that, so sometimes I like to limit myself and focus on just one style. For example, with Star One I focus on the metal-side of Ayreon. That means you won’t hear the exuberantly liberal use of acoustic instruments that are so often featured on Ayreon albums, like violin, woodwinds, cello, horns, dulcimer, mandolin, etc.”
Kuva: Lori A. Linstruth
Lähde: InsideOutMusic