Anthrax jatkaa uudelleen julkaisujensa sarjaa vuoden 1990 ”Persistence Of Time” –levyllä. Rumpali Charlie Benante on kommentoinut asiaa Rock Talk With Mitch Lafon –kanavan haastattelussa. Tuleva paketti tulee sisältämään runsaasti bonusmateriaalia. Aiemmin on jo saatu markkinoille kattavat deluxe-versiot ”Spreading The Disease”, ”Among The Living” – sekä ”State Of Euphoria” –levyistä. Anthrax nähdään Suomessa ensi kuussa yhdessä Slayerin, Lamb Of Godin sekä Obituaryn kanssa. Yhtye työstää myös uutta studiolevyä, jonka julkaisua odotellaan ensi vuoden aikana.
”Persistence Of Time” oli aikanaan Anthraxin viimeinen täysi studiolevy vokalisti Joey Belladonnan kanssa ennen John Bushin saapumista yhtyeeseen. Levy sai myös Grammy-ehdokkuuden vuoden 1991 metallikategoriassa.
Benanten kommentit ”Persistence Of Time” –levystä alla:
I wanna definitely get the best of the best on that one and make it special. It was such a great time for the band and for music. We were, I felt, way more experienced. And even the bands that came up with us too had breaking moments at that point too; Metallica were putting out the “Black Album”. So things were totally changing. This was around 1990, and I think heavy metal was starting to become a different source for people.I think the ’Persistence’ record and the vibe that was around it was so much more… We were so free at that point to do what we wanted, and we weren’t worried like we were with the other ones. And the tone of it was just kind of darker, but I think that’s because of what we dealt with the prior year or two. We also had a fire during that time [at the band’s equipment storage space, destroying over $100,000 of their prized instruments and other gear]. So we were going through just life challenges as a band. And invididually too, we were going through things. So I think that record is a complete reflection on us at that time.
Lähde: Rock Talk With Mitch Lafon