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Angel Swordin uusi levy “Neon City” kuunneltavissa

Kuva: Pierre Le seac

Tiedote 20.11.2019

Helsinkiläisen metalliyhtye Angel Swordin uusi levy ”Neon City” on kuunneltavissa yhtyeen bandcamp-sivujen kautta. Kyseessä on vuonna 2010 perustetun kokoonpanon toinen pitkäsoitto.

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If you walk into the mouth on the front cover of ”Rebels”, you will travel back in time all the way into the future… and the bravest among you shall emerge in the hazy city on the back cover. That place is Neon City, a strangely familiar place you never visited and never left, and still try to remember to forget. The time has come to enter!

Thanks for the support & the patience, the wait is over, go and enjoy it. Available in Bandcamp and Spotify* right now.

1.Starlight Shadow
2.Neon City
3.Evil Eye
4.Electric Man
5.Tower of Light
6.Night Rider
7.Back on the Streets

Jerry Razors – Vocals, rhythm guitar
St. Peter – Drums, backing vocals
Eviltaker – Bass
Lightning Mike – Lead guitar, backing vocals

Kuva: Pierre Le seac h.Courts Of Chaos 2019 festival

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