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Amberian Dawn julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Cherish My Memory”

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Kotimainen sinfonista metallia soittava Amberian Dawn on julkaissut uuden version sekä musiikkivideon kappaleesta ”Cherish My Memory”. Biisi on alun perin vuoden 2014 levyltä ”Magic Forest”. Yhtye kiertää Keski-Eurooppaa marraskuussa yhdessä Lacuna Coilin kanssa.

Amberian Dawn kommentoi:

We wanted to celebrate our upcoming European Tour with Lacuna Coil and decided to make a new music video. I wanted to try new ways in recording & mixing music to achieve a new sound and we selected this song to be re-arranged and remixed. So we recorded the song again and added some more keyboards & orchestral parts for example. Our guitarist Emil Pohjalainen did the mixing and The American mastering engineer legend Ted Jensen did the mastering. I really like our new sound and I’ll hope that you’ll like it too…and also enjoy watching this video. See you soon on tour.

Lähde: Napalm Records

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