Lord Vicar julkaisee uuden levyn ”Black Powder” toukokuussa


Tiedote 11.3.2019

Kotimaisen doomin johtava nimi Lord Vicar on julkistanut lisätiedot toukokuussa ilmestyvästä ”Black Powder” –levystä, joka seuraa vuoden 2016 ”Gates Of Flesh” –pitkäsoittoa. Albumi taltioitiin Turussa tuottaja Joona Lukalan valvovan silmän alla.

”Black Powder” ilmestyy Church Within –levymerkin kautta 3.5.2019.

Yhtye kuvaa levyä seuraavasti:

“The Black Powder” is the fourth album from Lord Vicar. It was, like the previous album Gates of Flesh, recorded by audio wizard Joona Lukala at Noise for Fiction studio in Turku, Finland. All studio work took place in February and March of 2019. The studio has the benefit of a huge live room which gave the band the opportunity to capture a sound that breathes with the ambience of the space, but maintains the sonic weight for which they are rightly known.

This album is a return to longer form, and even more progressive song structures, but the punchier material is also provided with merciless precision, as well as soothing acoustic moments. The songwriting duties are shared by Kimi and Gareth, also Chritus providing lyrical output.

The album contains a loose lyrical concept relating to mankind’s endless lack of reason and weakness of stability, resulting to violence, war, manipulation of children, and numbing our minds in order to shut out the horror that is the reality we live in. We blow the black lines to feel good. This takes place generation after generation, in an endless cycle of standing and falling. Musically and lyrically the album covers a wide spectrum of textures from the all out punky attack of ’The Temple in the Bedrock’, fragile beauty of ‘Nightmare’, to the oppressive menace of the more intense moments of ‘Sulphur, Charcoal and Saltpetre’. This album is a grower, meant to be listened repeatedly, full of subtle details that reveal themselves with each subsequent listen.

Kansitaide ja kappalelista:

1. Sulphur, Charcoal And Saltpetre
2. Descent
3. World Encircled
4. Levitation
5. The Temple In The Bedrock
6. Black Lines
7. Impact
8. Nightmare
9. A Second Chance

Kuva: Darkiya Vaeltaja

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Metalliluolan uutistoimitus. Tällä hetkellä uutisia ja tiedotteita julkaisevat Ville Krannila, Pete Alander, Mikko Huuhka ja Joni Renko.